Launched in October 2017, the PatentsView Community is a moderated, collaborative space where people engaged in patenting, entrepreneurship, and innovation research can discuss and share ideas. You will find site updates relating to data and tools and links to relevant activities.
The Forum is a patent discussion board moderated by AIR. Participants in the Forum are encouraged to be civil and engage in conversations on the visualization, discovery, and analysis of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s patent data. PatentsView members are encouraged to post notes, ask questions, and provide feedback on PatentsView data products. Before engaging in the Forum, please review the Rules of Conduct .
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{"xsrfToken":"2be4dded8da41be41f47ba10e2179dc9f4d03cc7_lout","helpCenterBranding":{"logoUrl":"","logoId":"c29e1420-2edb-4994-96d6-324d62acb255","isLogoAvailable":true,"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the PatentsView Support Portal.","sharedPortalName":"PatentsView Help Center","userInitialAnnouncementHeader":"About the PatentsView Community","userInitialAnnouncementMessageWiki":"<p>Launched in October 2017, the PatentsView Community is a moderated, collaborative space where people engaged in patenting, entrepreneurship, and innovation research can discuss and share ideas. You will find site updates relating to data and tools and links to relevant activities.</p>\n<p>The <a href=\"\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Forum is a patent discussion board </a> moderated by AIR. Participants in the Forum are encouraged to be civil and engage in conversations on the visualization, discovery, and analysis of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s patent data. PatentsView members are encouraged to post notes, ask questions, and provide feedback on PatentsView data products. Before engaging in the Forum, please review the <a href=\"\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Rules of Conduct </a>.</p>\n<p>Users are free to use, share, or adapt the material for any purpose, subject to the standards of the <a href=\"\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License </a>.</p>\n<p>Attribution should be given to PatentsView for use, distribution, or derivative works.</p>","translations":{"en-US":{"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the PatentsView Support Portal.","sharedPortalName":"PatentsView Help Center","announcementHeader":"About the PatentsView Community","announcementMessage":"Launched in October 2017, the PatentsView Community is a moderated, collaborative space where people engaged in patenting, entrepreneurship, and innovation research can discuss and share ideas. You will find site updates relating to data and tools and links to relevant activities. \n\nThe [Forum is a patent discussion board |] moderated by AIR. Participants in the Forum are encouraged to be civil and engage in conversations on the visualization, discovery, and analysis of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s patent data. PatentsView members are encouraged to post notes, ask questions, and provide feedback on PatentsView data products. Before engaging in the Forum, please review the [Rules of Conduct |]. \n\nUsers are free to use, share, or adapt the material for any purpose, subject to the standards of the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License |].\n\nAttribution should be given to PatentsView for use, distribution, or derivative works. ","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#9d2a06","helpCenterTitleColor":"#ffffff","bannerMediaApiUrl":"","bannerMediaApiFileId":"f572bd04-8694-4c09-9755-5a2f7750fbb5","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":true,"hasTopBarBeenSplit":false}}